Psalms 115:1 "Not to us, O Lord, not to us, But to Thy Name give glory because of Thy lovingkindness, because of Thy truth".
When the Lord calls us to do somethng for His kingdom, He does not call us to be lifted up for what we do, He always blesses us for doing His will, but all the glory for what we do belongs to Him. There is not a thing we do ourselves, but through Him only do we accomplish these things. So why should we think we did a great thing as we have done nothing. One of the reasons He asks us to reach out and do things in His Name is that He receive the glory and someone realize that He is the power behind the action, that will bring them to salvation, to live in Christ. It is the power of the Lord that makes the sick get well when we lay hands on them and pray. It is the Spirit of the Lord that gives voice to our prayers for salvation of sinners. It is His wisdom that gives utterance to counsel someone in distress and pain. It is never something we do ourselves, but that which He does through us. We are a vessel, a willing vessel. It is His revealing truth speaking out in whatever we do. All the glory is the Lords.
I give you honor and glory my Lord for whatever I accomplish in my life, for I know on whom I have believed and who I owe my very breath to. You only, Oh Lord, have been the Rock on which I can stand uprightly and without blemish. Your Name has been the one called out in my loneliness, and You came to comfort me and spend time with me. Your love has been what has sustained me through each and every day. Your strength is what gives me power to rise in the morning and do my work each day. It is all You, my God. I give you all the glory. All the honor. All my worship and praise.
I will worship the Lord will all of my being, and give Him all the glory for whatever He does through me. I am humbled by Your love and presence my Lord, this 27th day of November, 2010.
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