Sunday, November 21, 2010

Worship, It's Not Just For Church

Worshiping the Lord is not something that is reserved for Sunday at church.  The most joyous words to the Lords ears are your words of worship on Monday, Tuesday, well, you get what I mean. Beginning the morning with words of worship for our Lord can set the tone for your entire day.  Opening your eyes, stretching your arms up to the Lord, with a "Good morning Father, how I adore you. Thank you Lord for the sweet sleep you gave me. Thank you for rising me up this morning. You are worthy to be praised this day my Lord."  Those few phrases our of your mouth, coming from your heart will alert the Lord that you, His child, wanted Him to know first thing that morning that you love Him, that you desire His company throughout that day.  You will be amazed how your heart is lighter, your smile is brighter and your outlook on the day will be different from the one before. Start your day, every day with a word of love and thanks for the Lord.  He will be delighted in you and you will reap His reward with a totally blessed day.  Blessings to you this 21st day of November, 2010.

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