Sunday, June 3, 2012


Psalm 16:5-6  "Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance."

Tomorrow, I begin work in a new center.  Same company, but new center.  I have been in Arlington since last July and a spot came open 10 miles from home instead of 20.  I had mentioned it to my boss a few months back that it might be nice to work closer to home, but nothing came of it, so I was okay.  Things moved along and I got transferred to this office, beginning tomorrow.  Now.....things have changed in the offices in the Dallas area, new laws in effect, and it will be difficult.  The assistant was not too accepting, so it seemed to me, to have a new manager come in over her.  Thoughts came to me that perhaps this was not a good idea.  What had I asked for......

I had a good office, the neighboring stores and I got along quite well, my customers loved me, and I was quite comfortable there.  Just settled in and all was good.  I could listen to worship music all day, being alone most of the time, I could worship, pray and praise the Lord.  So as time was getting closer to my move, I began to, well, I guess you could say, complain some.  Not much, as the Lord does not tolerate me doing too much of that before He begins to show me what I am doing and I have to repent quickly.  I cannot stand being on the outs with my God.

The Lord began to show me that in my comfort zone, I had become complacent.  No struggles, no one causing me to have any discomfort, and I was just not doing what I am called to do.  No witnessing much as everyone knew just who I was and Whose I was.  Complacent......this is not the work of our Lord, nor the work He has for us.  If we get too comfortable, we are not doing what He has called us to do.  He wants to stretch me, and you, to a place where we are constantly calling on Him for our help, for His Word to pour out over us and through us.  When we get problems, then the solutions He has given us will rise up for the situation.  I have heard this from the Lord, from Dr. Cindy Trimm at the Glory Explosion, and again from Pastor Jerry at Destiny this morning.  In one form or another it all pointed to what the Lord had been showing me.  THERE IS NO PLACE FOR COMPLACENCY IN HIS KINGDOM.

So back into the fray I go.  The Lord is so precious to me, though, as He had my new assistant call me Saturday and we really had a wonderful talk.  So I now, should have been all along, am looking forward to my new assignment that the Lord has for me in my new office.  I know that there will be many problems, but with them, many opportunities for His Glory to shine, His Light to pour out, and His love to flow from Him through me. 

I love You, my God.  Thank You for trusting me. Thank You for stretching me, for giving me new territory, and for giving me Your peace in all situations.  You, my King, my Master....your servant follows where You lead....always.


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