Thursday, June 28, 2012


Proverbs 16:9  "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."

Can you look back and see the beginning of your "real" baby steps as a worshiper of God?  As I look back and see from where I began to where the Lord has led me, I am amazed and in awe of His plan for my life, of His grace that He has poured onto and into my life.  As He moves me from yesterday to tomorrow, I find that it is time, past time, actually, that I lay it all down.

There is a beautiful song, "I lay it all down, I lay it all down, I lay it all down in worship", and as I have had this worshipful song playing in my spirit for weeks now, probably longer, I began to consider just what of "laying it all down" was considered true worship.  It is everything.  Everything we lay down becomes a song of praise, a dedication of worship to our Lord. 

When we lift our voices to the heavenlies, singing from our hearts, from deep within our spirits, this is worship.  We are laying all down, all distractions, all fears, all worries, everything and giving ourselves solely to worshiping the Lord.  I lay it all down in worship.

As I was going through boxes of "stuff" I have to give to a friend for their church's garage sale, the Holy Spirit began to sing into me, "I lay it all down, I lay it all down".  And I began to sing with Him, singing from my soul knowing that, this too, was a form of worship to my God.  As I was giving away things that I thought meant so much, knowing the need to downsize to move into the next phase of His plan for me, letting go of these things that I had held on for so long, too long, if truth be told, I was allowing my Lord to remove those things and replace them with more of Himself.  More of His blessed, precious Self into me.  Less of me and "stuff" and more, so much more of Him.  When we let go of those things that are so worldly, earthly gain, totally worthless in the Kingdom, we are worshiping the Lord in a way that shows our God that He is our Stronghold, not these things that we have kept close to us, He is our Treasure, not these items, this, well, for a word that really comes to mind now, this junk. 

Our entire lives, we have been programmed to junk up our lives with earthly things, treasuring them for one reason or another, but the REAL TREASURE, the Jewel of Heaven, is Jesus.  So, now, and each day to follow, what ever is standing in the way of moving in the path the Lord has set for me, things that tend to clutter my mind with it's form of importance, things that are not what the Lord would have for me, "I lay it all down, I lay it all down, I lay it all down in worship". 

To worship You, my God, is all I desire.  To sit at Your feet, to adore You with my songs of love, that is my desire.  To follow where You lead me, to do what You will me to do, that is my desire.  I do love You so.


Monday, June 11, 2012


Ecclesiastes 11:8a  "However many years a man may live, let him enjoy them all."

The scriptures in Ecclesiastes speak of  meaningless, everything is meaningless; but despite it all, enjoy your life is the intention here, the message here.

I watched a movie Sunday night that I had taped during the Easter season; entitled "Jesus".  I watched it with the knowing that it would be Hollywood stretched, intended for enjoyment; not being a movie that follows scripture exactly.  So with that in mind, I watched as Jesus, at the beginning of His ministering years was baptised by John.  The movie flashed back several times to His youth, His enjoying it as most children do.  Then the movie showed times that Jesus danced with joy, teased with His disciples and laughed.  He laughed and He laughed.    I must confess when I saw this I could feel criticism rise up in me at the liberties the producers took with my Lord's life.  Guess it is all the religious upbringing I had.  I was instantly brought under conviction by the Lord, asking me, "Do you think I did not enjoy my life?  Do you think I was solemn and stiff?" 

The Lord, patient as always with me, let waves of thought come through me.  I had always looked at the Word, it's telling through the Gospels of Jesus' life, making me think He was always just serious, as He ministered, as He healed, as He loved people.  The Word does not elaborate on each day of His life....we would not be able to pick up the Bible it would be so thick, if  It did.   But the Lord showed me that His life was joyful.  He did not go through life thinking each day, dutifully, that in a short time He would die, He would go to the cross to redeem the sinful children of His Father.  This was His purpose, this was why He came to earth, but He also came to show us how to live.  How to live a righteous life, free of sin, but also how to enjoy the life that the Father has given each of us.  Jesus wanted us to be free of our sin so we could enjoy the blessed life that the Lord promised each of us that come to Him.  We are to love, laugh, and live our lives according to His Word.  Free to laugh, free to dance, free to be who He made us to be.

We all know the things that will come to this earth, we know what the Word of God tells us will take place; perversion and sin will be rampant on earth, Christians will be persecuted.  But the Lord wants us to give those fears to Him, to accept His peace in ALL things, and above all, live the life He has made possible for us; a life that is enjoyed to the fullest each day.

Thank You, Lord, for Your words to me.  I cherish Your presence in my life; that You are with me even through watching movies, reading books, anything I do, and that You take the time to use what I am reading or seeing to teach me more about You, my Beloved Lord.  You make my life worth living, Lord, and I want to enjoy each and every day in You.


Sunday, June 10, 2012


Daniel 1:17  "To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning."

I have been reading a study of Daniel this past week and the Lord spoke to me a few days ago concerning the life of Daniel.  There is not a definite scripture that I can find that says Daniel and his three friends were made eunuchs but to be in the king's service, in his palace, this was the common practice for these young men.  The king wanted to make certain that their thoughts were not for anyone else, that their thoughts and bodies would not be defiled in any manner.  I believe Daniel was treated as every other young man taken captive and brought to serve the king. 

As I was reading the Lord told me that His true worshipers were to be like Daniel.  Not in the physical sense but in the spiritual sense.  He told me that I was to let the Holy Spirit castrate my mind to where no worldly thoughts that would defile who He had made me to be could take place.  I was to allow the Holy Spirit to cut out every thought, every thought.....out of me.  I was to take heed to what I watched, what I read, what I allowed people to tell me, anything that did not line up to His Word, allow the Holy Spirit to cut it from my life. 

The fact that Daniel lived in the king's palace and all kinds of idolatry, perversion, and sin took place, Daniel and his friends still maintained their bodies, their minds as living sacrifices to the Lord.  The Lord told me that we live in this world, but it does not mean that we have to be partakers of the idolatry, the perversion and the sin that goes on.  We can live here and still live our lives pleasing to Him.  We can come before Him and worship Him knowing that our thoughts, our adoration is for Him alone.  We can worship and not be pulled down by the weight of sin; by the pressures of knowing that we have been unfaithful to our God.

This is not to mean people should not love one another, be married, and have friends.  But even in marriage, the Lord should still come first.  When there is a marriage that is made one with God, that will never be a problem.  Husbands and wives can love each other knowing that they have been set apart for each other by the Lord, that their lives are still sacrificed to God, that they are together in this life for a purpose of the Lord.  To everyone there is a purpose of God.

Friends that you choose, if you allow Him to, will be the children of God that will lift you up, encourage you and stand with you as you choose to live a life for the Lord.  This will be of utmost importance to them, as it will be their goal also, their desire.

Cutting out the things of the world is not always easy to do.  It is not even easy to say, as minds tend to think there will be no life for them left if all is cut out that is not of God.  Friends, this earth is of God, He is the Creator of all things.  The earth is not what is defiled, it is the minds of men and women that is defiled.  The beauty of this world is still there, even thought we must look past a lot of ugly, a lot of sin to see it.  But when your eyes are on God, when they stay on the Savior that died to redeem us, to make us righteous in Him, then we can see the beauty of the world.

When our minds are on the Lord, He can open them to all understanding in Him; He will draw us to Him to know Him, to learn of His ways, to give Him pleasure in our lives.  We will know what He intends to share with us, He will reveal mysteries to us from His Word, from His heart.

We can live lives that are undefiled by sin if we submit ourselves wholly to God, yield our hearts and minds to the Holy Spirit, open our hearts to receive the Lord's love and grace, and keep our minds on Him alone.  We can, with the mercy and grace of our God, our Lord, live a life like Daniel.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Ezekiel 36:27  "And I will put my spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to follow my laws."

As I was driving home from work, it was raining, and as I looked up into the sky, it was all darkly clouded over except one space.  The Lord told me He was watching over me and He wanted me to see that His Light was there.  Then the music began to play "O The Glory" and as the words came, "we Your temple", the Lord began to talk to me. 

The Lord told me that He had chosen to put His spirit, His Holy Spirit in me, in each of His redeemed children.  He showed me that at death, the only thing in me that lives on is my spirit; the spirit being life.  And then He revealed to me, that as I was made in His image, my spirit being my life, His spirit is His life.  Yes, I know, the Word tells us that the Lord lives in us, but what a revelation in my being, when the Lord showed me that as my spirit is my life that lives on in Him, His Spirit is His life that lives on in me.  I just began to weep.

What trust, what amazing trust, for the Lord to place His life in our hands.  Just as we have placed our life in His hands, He has done the same.  He has trusted me enough to put His life, His Spirit in my keeping.  As the Lord nurtures me, I must nurture His Spirit that is in me.  How, you ask?  I must nurture the Lord's spirit in the only way that matters to Him.  I must love the Holy Spirit, I must worship the Lord, I must honor the Lord and I must obey His Spirit.  I must follow His laws that He has given me, given us all.  In order to stay in One with the Lord's Spirit, that dwells in me, that beautiful, precious Life that is entrusted to me, I must give all of myself to the nurturing of my Lord's life.  If I were to do something contrary to His will, His Spirit grieves, and because I love Him so, I grieve terribly when I do this.  We all will do somethings that will grieve the Spirit of God, but instantly we will know it and must repent, we must come before the Lord, offering our love and thanksgiving for His mercy, His grace.  He will see our repentant heart and forgive us, draw us near to Him, hold us close as we pour our love on Him.

My God, thank You for Your love, for Your revelation showing me Your Life, Your Spirit in me that is so much more than what we can ever imagine.  Your secrets that You reveal as I draw closer and closer to You are so precious to me.  I will love You forever my Lord.  Your Spirit draws me and I come running to You.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Psalm 20:4  "May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed."

Just what is the desire of your heart?  And having thought about it, what does the Word of God say about it.  In Psalm we read that the Lord will give you the desire of your heart....and He will make all your plans succeed.  Do you believe this?  The Lord put this in my spirit this morning and caused me to give it "real" thought,

I believe that the desire of our heart should be a real relationship with our Lord.  But having said that, there is nothing wrong with the desire of your heart being something in ministry, some type of work, someone you love, your long as our God is in the midst of your desired things.  I don't believe for one minute that the Lord, our God, is going to give you the desire of your heart if He knows it is going to harm you.  The Lord loves us far too much to purposely allow us to get hurt.  Now if we keep insisting on something, even if it is not what He would have for us, I do think He will allow that just to return us to Him when we find He was right all along.  Just like you will finally let your child have more candy knowing that they had more than enough, you just get tired of their begging and tell them, go ahead.  Well, what you actually say is, "Go ahead and don't come crying to me when you get sick".  Sound familiar?  I believe the Lord gets tired of our begging for something that is not good for us also, and so I think He will finally say, okay, here it is....however, I don't think He adds the last part.  I know He is always there when we come to Him, regardless of our foolishness.

But when the Lord sees our desire for something that is in His purpose for our lives, our purpose that He has planned just for us, I believe He rejoices that we have come along side of what His plans are, of what His purpose for us is, and what is ultimately His desire for us also, and He will flood our being with the knowledge that He is going to give us the desire of our heart.  I also believe when we surrender our will to His will for us, to His perfect plan, we will know that whatever comes, the Lord is bringing it to us for our good, to grow us, to draw us even closer to Him than ever and our desire will deepen for Him to carry out His plan in us, for us. 

When our desire, the deepest desire of our heart blends in with the desire of our Father's heart for us, there is a melting of both hearts, ours and the Lords, into one beautiful relationship.  You will know that the Lord is going to fulfill your desire, He is going to bring your purpose to fruition, and you will find your walk with the Lord one of complete harmony.

My Lord, my God, let my walk with You bring wonderful satisfaction to You, and to me.  Let me know that the desire of my heart is one with the desire of Your heart.  Bring me to the point in my life that I do not end but that I blend into One with You, here on earth and in heaven.  Let the purpose You have for my life bring You glory as I walk into the path You have set before me, always with joy for each new day, always trusting and knowing that You are right there with me, holding my hand, giving me the desire of my heart.


Sunday, June 3, 2012


Psalm 16:5-6  "Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance."

Tomorrow, I begin work in a new center.  Same company, but new center.  I have been in Arlington since last July and a spot came open 10 miles from home instead of 20.  I had mentioned it to my boss a few months back that it might be nice to work closer to home, but nothing came of it, so I was okay.  Things moved along and I got transferred to this office, beginning tomorrow.  Now.....things have changed in the offices in the Dallas area, new laws in effect, and it will be difficult.  The assistant was not too accepting, so it seemed to me, to have a new manager come in over her.  Thoughts came to me that perhaps this was not a good idea.  What had I asked for......

I had a good office, the neighboring stores and I got along quite well, my customers loved me, and I was quite comfortable there.  Just settled in and all was good.  I could listen to worship music all day, being alone most of the time, I could worship, pray and praise the Lord.  So as time was getting closer to my move, I began to, well, I guess you could say, complain some.  Not much, as the Lord does not tolerate me doing too much of that before He begins to show me what I am doing and I have to repent quickly.  I cannot stand being on the outs with my God.

The Lord began to show me that in my comfort zone, I had become complacent.  No struggles, no one causing me to have any discomfort, and I was just not doing what I am called to do.  No witnessing much as everyone knew just who I was and Whose I was.  Complacent......this is not the work of our Lord, nor the work He has for us.  If we get too comfortable, we are not doing what He has called us to do.  He wants to stretch me, and you, to a place where we are constantly calling on Him for our help, for His Word to pour out over us and through us.  When we get problems, then the solutions He has given us will rise up for the situation.  I have heard this from the Lord, from Dr. Cindy Trimm at the Glory Explosion, and again from Pastor Jerry at Destiny this morning.  In one form or another it all pointed to what the Lord had been showing me.  THERE IS NO PLACE FOR COMPLACENCY IN HIS KINGDOM.

So back into the fray I go.  The Lord is so precious to me, though, as He had my new assistant call me Saturday and we really had a wonderful talk.  So I now, should have been all along, am looking forward to my new assignment that the Lord has for me in my new office.  I know that there will be many problems, but with them, many opportunities for His Glory to shine, His Light to pour out, and His love to flow from Him through me. 

I love You, my God.  Thank You for trusting me. Thank You for stretching me, for giving me new territory, and for giving me Your peace in all situations.  You, my King, my Master....your servant follows where You lead....always.


Saturday, June 2, 2012


Matthew 28:20b  "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Perhaps you have noticed, perhaps not, but I  have not written each night this week.  As time went on, and each night I sat at my desk and prepared to write, the latter days I found myself wondering if I was still doing this for the glory of my Lord, or had, perhaps, pride, self, risen into my blogs.  So I determined that I would not write unless I was certain the Lord was the reason.  Well, you can guess how that was answered.....nothing.  I heard nothing.  This evening as I sat watching a little movie on Daystar, I was so desiring the company of my Lord, just wanting to know He was with me.  One of the people in the movie told another, He is always with us, and the Holy Spirit just expanded that into my being. 

He is always with us.  Even in my busiest times, even when I am wondering if I am doing what He would have me do, about my blog, about my daily life, He is always with me.  I know He has a plan for my life and He has shown me daily, bits, pieces, each day growing me into what He is wanting me to be, for His plan.  The Lord has shown me tonight that He is always with me, even when I am not hearing His voice....He is with me.  He wants me to listen closely, and when He is quiet, the Lord wants me to use that time to think on the things He has taught me that day, or perhaps even the day before, before He gives me more.  God has such a desire for us to sit with Him, but He wants us to be so comfortable in His presence that we can sit without speaking, without hearing, just being in His presence, just sitting together....what joy.  I cannot think of anyone I would rather sit with, just sit with, than my Lord.  Just in His presence, quietly in His presence.

For Your glory, Lord, I will follow, I will obey, I will worship...all I do, Lord, let it be for Your glory alone.  I know some of the times when I wrote there was doubt in myself as the enemy has used my writing to draw up some pride out of me, make me feel I was something.....I am nothing without You my God, nothing.  I guess I began to worry more about writing the blog nightly than if it was what You wanted me to do.  I only want to glorify You, Father.  I am going to do what You will for me to do, if it is to write, I will write for I love to put my thoughts to You, my thoughts of You, down.  But I know also, that You see my heart, and if the words are on paper or not, You see my heart.  I truly believe when I write You are using my words as testimony of my love and adoration for You, so others can see, perhaps the revelations that You have given me, the explanations of some of this life that You have shown me.  You share with all those that desire to know You more, all Your children that seek You, You give revelation to.  I am so blessed Lord that You trust me with Your words, to share with others that may be seeking the same answers I am, to draw us closer to You.

You are my God.  I have no desire to know or to follow anyone but You, Lord.  Father, use me for Your glory alone and when and if I show any sign of pride, sinful pride, or of self, expose me Lord, open my heart and draw it out of me, let nothing of the old man remain in me.  Just You, Lord, more of You.  Forgive me Lord, of all sin, of all worldly ways that still seem to come at times, forgive me.  You alone can lift me from all shame of the flesh and replace it with Your sweet peace and joy.  I love You so, my Lord.  You are my peace, You alone are my righteousness.
