Saturday, September 29, 2012


Deuteronomy 25:15  "You must have accurate and honest weights and measures, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you."

As I awoke this morning, in my spirit I saw a ruler.  Actually the one I saw was this 5 foot metal ruler I have that I would use to put under the rag rugs I was making to measure them.  It is fairly heavy but flexible and now just stands in a corner behind a door.  I was wondering why this would be on my mind, but soon the Lord began to speak to me.

The Lord showed me a picture of a child standing next to a door frame, getting that mark put on the frame just where his head came up to.  Remember those days, where we were so anxious to get taller, to grow up?  The Lord asked me, "When was the last time you did this?".  If you are like me, it was probably when you were 10 or so.  I cannot truly remember, but it was a longgggg time ago.  And then the flood gates opened as I began to see what the Lord was showing me.

So often the children of the Lord grow so much in a short time span, you know, what as children is referred to as a growth spurt....and then nothing.  We simply sit on what we have learned and think we are smart in the ways of our Lord.  How wrong we are.   ( I am looking now at the title of this, "The Ruler of Life" knowing that the Lord is going to change this in a little while.  He is showing me that this is not the ruler of life, rather something much deeper.  I will know soon.  Thank You, Lord.)  As we seem to satisfy ourselves with the knowledge we have gained through this growth spurt, our spirits lay dormant, lifeless, regressing.

There is no length determined to our growth except in our minds.  A little word here, a short thought there, and the enemy can have us puffed up enough to think we know everything we need to know, or that is to be known of our God.  This knowledge, small and deceptive, will have us wandering to and fro, not knowing, not hearing, the voice of our Lord.  We will go with whatever seems good to our ears at the time, never knowing the true desires of our Lord for us, or the true desires of our own hearts. 

The Lord tells me there is so much more He has for us if we will continue to grow in Him.  We are to stretch ourselves to know more of Him, (remember how we use to stand tall on our toes to be taller than we were at the door post?).  This is not the time to stand complacent, thinking we are where we should be, but it is the time to stretch ourselves, lift ourselves up as high as we can so we can touch the hem of His garment, reach to heights where His voice is all we hear, tall enough where we can crawl up onto the lap of the Lord ourselves instead of His having to pick us up.  We can go to Him if we will continue to grow up in Him. 

The God of my life wants me to desire to grow, to reach heights of knowledge of Him that will keep me in His Light, not losing my way, but hearing His voice above all the worldly sounds, distractions.  I am not to stop learning but to seek to find more of Him each day, in His Word, by His Spirit.  This is the only way that I, that you, will know the true Word of the Lord, know His voice above all those that would lead us astray, growing in Him; not being satisfied with where we were, or by what we had, but by what lies ahead of us in Him, by the desire to be so intimate with our God, our Lord, that we find ourselves one day, walking with Him, without the real knowledge of it, but just that it is as natural as our very breath.  We in the Lord, the Lord in us. 

Grown me Lord, I never want to stop.  I will stand tall, I will stretch myself up to You, I will call upon You each moment, letting You show me what You have for me with each new day.  Your ruler, Lord, Your ruler for my life, let it be.  Stretch me, Lord with Your ruler.  I will not be content with what is of today, but will desire more tomorrow, and yet more the next day, till I know You as You want me to......One with You.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012


John 7:37b  "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink."

Blessed, I am so blessed, Lord.  Each morning when I wake, I think of where I am this day, and how blessed I am.  I thank You my God, as I wake, I thank You.  I never want to take what You have done for me for granted, as I know without Your grace, Your precious grace, I would not know this life You have given me. 

I find that lately I have been basking in the love You pour out onto me each day.....and I feel tonight that I am missing the mark.  I know You desire me to happy, blessedly happy, but I know there is another desire You have for me.  You want me to want more....much more of You.

So often Lord, we get in a place where we are so blessed and, well I can only speak for myself, but I begin to feel like it would be selfish....perhaps that is not the right word....maybe greedy is the word that would describe how I feel at times.  Like I am greedy if I desire more, if I want to go deeper in You, to seek more of You than I have.  You have shown me Lord, that there are depths to You that I have only begun to see....I know there's more....and I want more.

Yes, I see, Lord....You desire me to come closer, to seek You, to want more of You, of Your words, of Your love, of Your sweet scent....the very smell of You gives my senses new meaning, new heights.  I don't think I can be happy now, now that You have shown me it is Your desire for me to have more.  I have to come closer to You, Lord God, so much closer.  Seems like as I get busy during the day doing the things You have me working at, that I am distanced from You...but that is the enemy's tricks to make me think You are not near.  You are showing me that just because we have life to live on this planet, in this sinful world, that we are still in You.  I can be in this world but not of this world, as I am of You.  When we are of You, it puts a barrier between us and the world we live in.  It's a shield, the shield of faith that we wear, that keeps the splatter of sin, of evil, the wickedness that prevails on earth from wearing us down; from defeating us.  Your grace, poured out like a river, the sweet river that flows down from Your throne, washes us, cleansing us, refreshing us.  Your Word, written so long ago.....only You knew, Father, how the Words You gave would continue to give life to us, generations down from when it was written.  Words that were meant for eternal help, eternal guidance to a people that would continue to get it wrong, to fall short, to miss the mark of You, of Your glory.

Tonight, my Lord, I want to go to places that my heart has yearned for, but my mind, thinking it wrong to constantly ask for more, would not take me....but tonight, I am going past what my thoughts would be, and I am letting Your Spirit draw my heart, my soul, my spirit to that place of new heights where You are waiting for me.  One level at a time, You are showing me, where new knowledge of You exists, where intimacy will enclose me, and where I will find myself walking with the love of my life, my Lord, my God.  I know there is more, and I will not stop until I have that fullness, that beautiful fullness of my Lord in me.


Saturday, September 22, 2012


2 Timothy 2:22  "Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart."

Close your eyes for a moment.  Picture those who you would consider slaves; those enslaved before the Civil War in our own country, and those who are still slaves in third world countries.  With your eyes still closed, look at the treatment of these people, consider the differences of how they were treated under a good master and under a cruel master; but still they were slaves; no freedom, held in captivity.

Now open your eyes and look around you.  Do you consider yourself free?  Do you see how well off you are, nice home, nice car, good job.....are you free?  Now close your eyes again and look inside your heart.  Look deep into those areas that you consider not important enough to deal with, those areas that no one knows of but yourself, and they don't hurt anyone.  Look at each area and consider it.  Now open your eyes again.  Look around once more, do you still see your things in the same light?

You may not have chains around your leg; you may not be afraid of speaking your mind or going where you want to, but are you any better than those that are held in physical captivity?  Let me assure you, my friends, being held captive by sin, fear, and self-judgment is a dreadful way to spend your life.  It is a bondage of which there is not hope.  No one is going to make a national proclamation and free you from what you hold inside your heart.  No one will know that you are dying inside while you hold your head up and walk around in imaginary freedom.  You are a slave to a master that only wants to see destruction in your life, chaos in your home, and your family in ruins.  There is no hope as long as you will refuse to let go of those things that hold you in slavery.  There is no joy as long as you continue to go into places where there is only darkness.  There is no peace.

The song, "Come to Jesus" is running through my mind at this point.  I can't tell you why this is on my heart to tell you today.  I was reading about a group of slaves while I was in the Fitness room today walking the treadmill.  These slaves were freed from one bondage only to find out that when they got to their final destination they would be in bondage again.  It would be to good masters, but they still would not be free.  And the Lord began showing me, the people who refuse to let the Holy Spirit clean out every area of their hearts.  They keep putting it off, perhaps ashamed to let the Lord in that part of them....isn't that foolish, He knows what is in there, everything about you is open to His eyes, but He won't push Himself in there, you must invite Him in, to cleanse you from all sin, from all fear, from all bondage.

Open your eyes to the Master, the Master who invites you to become captive to His love, His joy and His peace.  The Master who opens His arms to enfold you into them, to give you comfort and encouragement as He cleanses out every fear, entanglement, disillusionment, and sin from your life.  Open your eyes to the One who will never condemn you, but will give you a new life in Him.  Come to Jesus, come to Jesus today.


Thursday, September 20, 2012


Psalm 91:1  "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."

Our battles, those never ending battles that have been coming at us from the time we can remember.....they have been won.  Do you realize how much time we spend thinking about how we are going to take care of the responsibilities we have, wondering what will happen if, and when, and because? 

Rest.  We can rest in the Lord.  Do you think that the Lord spends all His days worrying about what we will do next?  First, He already knows what we are going to do today, tomorrow, next year.  He knows the words of our mouth before we ever utter a sound.  The Lord knows our heart.  He knows if we truly desire Him, if we need, without any doubt, if we need Him every minute as we do air to breath.  And He knows our fears, our concerns, our limitations.  Rest.  Our Lord created the heavens and the earth and all that is within them, and then He rested.  The work was done. 

He sent Jesus to earth because our God wanted our fears to cease, He wanted us to be whole and well in spirit and mind and body.  He sent Jesus to earth, knowing He would be sacrificed for us, His beloved children.  Our Lord wanted us to be able to rest.  On the day our Lord, precious Jesus died, He took on every battle from the pits of hell; every form of sin, illness, fear; all of it defeated when our Lord cried out "It Is Finished".  The battle was won then and forever more.  There was no undoing the completion of this triumphant feat.  And when Jesus ascended up to Heaven, He rested.  He knew the battle was won.  He knew the Bride would be safe, if only they would believe.....if only they would listen to His Spirit....if only they would trust Him. 

Hands outstretched, the Lord reaches for our battles, our struggles and fears.  Love pouring forth, He gives us strength to face each day; He gives us courage and encouragement to stand upright in His righteousness; He gives us knowledge that the battle has been won, we can rest in Him.

So why are there so many of my brothers and sisters in the Lord shaken, distressed, fearful?  Think on this, my friends.  Why do you fight when the battle has been won?  We are victorious and we do not have to lift a hand.  Our rest is in the Word of God.  In every place you look, you see the peace flowing out of the Word.  The words written there are life to you and me, they are the joy of the Father  meant to thrill our hearts.  Life, precious life, freedom, we are bound no more, we are free.  The enemy has been defeated, he has no place in our lives.

Still questioning?  Revelation 20:10  "And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown.  They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."  Revelation 21:6  "He said to me: "it is done.  I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.  To him who is thristy I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.  He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son."

You cannot overcome without faith in the God who created us.  You cannot overcome without believing in Jesus, the Son of God, that He died for our sin, and reigns now as King.  You cannot overcome unless you first come to the Lord, bowed down, repentant, seeking His face, giving your all to the One that has given all for you.  Overcomers, lift up your head, look into the eyes of our precious Savior, His tears are tears of joy....because the battle has been won, you are His.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Revelation 2:10b  "Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life."

I have begun taking a Bible study class on Wednesday mornings, the study is on Esther.  It looks to be a really good study and so far, I am enjoying it tremendously.  We have small classes at first and then we join together for a general assembly of all the ladies, there are probably 200 or more ladies going to this study.  Today, the speaker was talking about the King, Xerxes.  To be honest, my mind had drifted but was quickly brought back when she said "it's all about the one that wears the crown".  Instantly the Spirit spoke to me and I heard "the crown of life".

The Holy Spirit was so attentive to this speaker for as she spoke He just began to download to me several things, as you will see in the next few days, but today, He gave me this.  It is all about the one that wears the crown.  I first began to think of my Lord, the King of my life.  When I think of a crown, I instantly think of the King of kings, Jesus.  I believe that all we do, all we have, all we are lead to in our life's is ultimately about Jesus, about our Lord.  We were created for God's good pleasure and it pleases our God for us to worship and adore our King, Jesus.

Then the Holy Spirit began to show me that it is about me also, you too.  In the eyes of our Father, we are so important.  He gave us life, He blesses us because He loves us so dearly.  We mean so much to the Lord.  Our God sent His only Son to earth to become the ultimate sacrifice for our sin, He did not have a household of sons, only the One, Jesus.  It was important to God, our Father, as He wanted to have a relationship with us, a real relationship....not where all we do is come to Him when we need something, or when we finally get around to remembering him, when we have nothing else to do so we pray.  No, God wants a real relationship, the kind where He is the first thought we have in the morning, where we open our eyes and look for Him, seek Him out to visit with Him, spend time with Him, invite Him to come along with us wherever we go that day, we ask Him to please, Lord, come with us.  Our Father wants us to know Him as the Lover of our souls, where when we hurt, when we got disappointed, when we were afraid, we can instantly call to Him, knowing He will be right there and will gather us in His arms and comfort us.  The Lord is desiring to hear our words of adoration, our heart felt songs of worship lifting up to His throne room....because we love Him, because He is our very breath of life.  Our Father wants a relationship with us that He knows, no matter what would happen in our life, we will never turn our backs on Him, that our love for Him will grow stronger, deeper every day....even if we are put to death.....we will remain faithful to Him, we will remain so in love with Him....His alone.  A real relationship, Father and child.  He loves us so much.

And as we are His first thought in the morning, He looks for us, reaches out to us, pours His love on us, His peace descending like a cloud of sweet honey flowing all around us, and His joy sinking deep into our spirits.....His Crown He will give to us.  It becomes about us, receiving His Crown of life.  We, children of the Most High God, receiving the Crown of Life.....God's own Crown.  He wants to give us everything; there is no end of the gifts of the Father...He has given so much to us and He wants to give us His very best....His Crown, so our life is complete; His Heart, so we always know we are His beloved.

My Lord, I love You.  I look for the day when I see You with my eyes and not just my heart, but when my eyes behold my Lord and You place upon my head Your Crown, the Crown of Life.  Shouts of Hallelujah will come from my heart and my lips will join in the praises of the angels above, worshiping my King, the Crown of my life.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Ephesians 1:13  "And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit."

seal :  shows authenticity; a pledge; fastens or closes something tightly; ratify, certify, make binding; decide beyond recall; give a sign of truthfulness; and the Lord told me seal of approval....

"I am my Beloveds and He is mine."  I have been marked with the seal of my Father, my God.  When I was born again in Him, through the precious sacrifice my Lord made, His seal, dipped in His shed blood, was placed upon my life, upon my mind, my heart, my soul and my spirit.  The Lord, my Beloved, has given me His sign, His seal of approval.  Do you, my friends, realize how precious this seal is, the worth of what the Lord has given us?  No other approval on earth, in all the world, can rank with this seal of the Lord.  I belong.....I belong to God.  It is a true relationship, not one that wavers with the times of the earth, not one that be shaken loose by circumstances....even should I slip, I am instantly lifted back to my Lord God, He draws me close and holds me tightly, telling the enemy, "this child is mine....My seal has been placed upon her life, upon her physical and spiritual being, and nothing can take her from me".  So I worry not what of tomorrow, as I know I have been placed under a binding pledge of God to always be mine, He will always be my God.

 The Lord has made me to be His minister, His vessel, knowing He can pour through me and it will go where He intends it to go.  He trusts you know how special it is to be trusted to deliver, to show, to share what the Lord gives. He does not give for us to hoard the gift, He gives the gift to be shared with others....we have no fear of the gift leaving us, the gift is meant to be shared. The Holy Spirit, proof of the seal of God....we are stamped.  We wear the likeness of the Lord...His mark, His seal upon our lives.  With the Holy Spirit dwelling within, there is no doubt when people see us, they know Who we belong to.  If someone is doubting Your authenticity, then you need to see if somehow you have allowed the seal to become loosened.  Our Lord will not break this seal.....He has sealed us with His blood.....only in our faithlessness to Him will that seal become loose.  Can you afford to let this happen? 

A rare stamp, one that is so priceless in worldly circles is treated with such delicacy....not to let anything happen to it.  The seal my Lord has placed upon me, I will treat it with such honor, such respect, such love.....I will give it my utmost attention not to allow it to be ..... not to allow it to be loosened from me.  The blood of my Lord placed this seal on my life...having given His all to wrap me tightly in His arms, giving me His Own Spirit to be a part of my life, to bind me to Him, once and for all could I not give my all to bind His seal also.  My sacrifice, so small in comparison, but my sacrifice of worship to Him, my giving of my time, my thoughts, my beginnings and my endings, all to Jesus I surrender.....what I have I give to bind the seal even tighter, if that would be even possible.

I am a marked woman...marked with the seal of the Creator of the Universe, the King of kings, the Lord of lords....I carry the seal of my Father.  I am bound to Him through the blood....through the tears.....through the love of my Beloved Lord Jesus.  All to Jesus I surrender....I am under His seal, forever, beyond recall of this world....His alone.
