Sunday, August 26, 2012


1 Samuel 17:24  "When the Israelites saw the man, they all ran from him in great fear."

This man, this man was Goliath, he was a huge man.  It is said that when he walked the earth, the ground trembled and shook.  And the children of God were in fear, great fear of this man.  Except for David, who was outraged that any man would defy the army of the Lord.  See, David had great faith, he drew his strength from the Lord.  He walked in the Light and he knew what his God could do.... would do for His children when asked.

This is a story that everyone who has ever been in church knows.  From a small child I knew this story and how a small stone brought down this big man.  But that is where this story ends and what the Lord shared with me this morning begins.  In church this morning, we were singing a song about a shaking that was coming.  The earth was going to shake and all that could be loosed would be loosed.  There were also some words that came forth from the Lord.  As all this was going on, the Holy Spirit moved greatly in me and the Lord began to talk to me about shaking and the fear of His children.

The Lord told me that when this  man Goliath walked the earth, it shook, trembled under the weight of his size and so many of the children of God ran in fear.  But the Lord said this was nothing compared to the shaking that comes forth when the praises, when the pure worship of the children of God rises up to the Throne Room of Heaven.  When that beautiful, fragrant worship, that sweet adoration from the hearts of His children rise up to call Him, to call the Lord down, when the Presence of the Lord touches earth, there is a shaking that begins and does not end as long as those hearts are singing their heart songs of adoration.  Shaking begins and loosens all the chains, all the hindrances that are binding God's children, freeing them, giving them new life, freedom in the Lord.  They begin to flow in the Spirit in one accord as the peace settles over them, flowing through their body as healing takes place, as the old man is put off and the children of God take on the persona that they were created to have.  A new creature in Christ, oh the glory of the Presence of the Lord.  There is nothing like the Presence of the Lord.

But......the Lord also told me that some, that some of His children would turn and run in fear.... of His Presence.  See, the Lord said not all are willing to completely abandon their past, their old habits... part of them want to, but they are afraid.  See... to completely abandon everything, to receive the peace, the joy of God Almighty, there has to be complete faith, a giving up of control, your willful nature.... old habits die hard.  But old habits will and can die; you must be willing to let them go and throw yourself into the arms of a God who will never leave you, Who will never let you down, Who will love you with an everlasting love.

The footsteps of our God, when His glorious Presence touches earth, drawn down by our worship, by our hearts of pure love for the Lord, will shake this earth like none have ever seen.  The shaking is nothing to fear for the children of God who have given the Lord their hearts and trust Him completely.  Nothing to fear as they know that the Lord has them in His hands and He is going to give them the desires of their hearts, when that desire is from a heart that is seeking the heart of God alone.

Shake on, my Lord.  I look forward to the earth shaking with Your Presence.  I desire to be in Your Presence at all times.  Let all Your children desire Your sweet Presence, let them abandon themselves into Your plans for them, Your will for their lives.  Let them all, join me, Lord, in sweet worship, in total awe of Your Holy Presence; come down, flow here, touch this earth with Your Holy Presence.


Thursday, August 23, 2012


1 Samuel 4:3b  "Let us bring the ark of the Lord's covenant from Shiloh, so that it may go with us, and save us from the hand of our enemies."

This morning I walked a mile on the treadmill, not a lot for many, but a new beginning for me.  The treadmill allows me to read the Bible on my Kindle while I walk.  As there is no one in the exercise room but myself, this is a quiet place, a place that becomes holy as the Lord is with me.

When you are redeemed by the Lord, He sends His Holy Spirit to dwell with you.  This is the Ark of His Covenant....His Presence.  His Presence then, and each day, dwells within you.  He is always with you.  So, in effect, the Lord told me that when we go, where we go, His Presence goes with us.  This is not the first time the Lord has poured into my spirit the urgency of our honoring His Presence.  So where we go, how we act, what we take part in, we are bringing His Presence, the Ark of the Covenant of our God, our Lord, to take part in that also.  Selah.....

The Lord also illuminated the insistence of the Israelites upon their wanting a king.  The Lord did not want to do this, and Samuel pleaded with the people, but they were insistent.  Have you ever prayed and prayed for something.....not noticing that there may be a Godly reason for not receiving what you have prayed for....but insisting over and over that you must have this, and finally, the Lord gives it to you.  Not everything we receive is something the Lord knows is good for us.  But when we are so insistent on something, the Lord will, at His purpose, give it to us.  Ever wonder why what we thought was from the Lord, because we had prayed, did not work out, or eventually grieved us?  Did you blame God for this?   These things grieve our Lord also, but He will use it to show us, to teach us in love, that it is ever so important to seek His will for our lives, not our wants, but His will.  Yes, it may take longer than we would like to wait, but those that wait...."Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him."  Isaiah 30:18.   When we wait for the Lord, He will bring us to that place where we can receive His intended blessings upon our lives. 

We must honor the Presence of the Lord at all times.  We must never take our Lord for granted or boast, thinking we are better than someone else.  The Israelites brought the Ark to where their fight was thinking the Presence of the Lord would fight this battle and win it for them....they never inquired of the Lord if this was His will.  And they were defeated.  Before we step out to begin our day, we must always pray and ask the Lord for His will to be our guide, for His desire to be our desire, and His heart to be manifest in our heart, for His love to be poured out of us to others.  Honoring the very Presence will result in bringing honor to Him in all we do.  This is the only way to be victorious in our life.  Honoring the Presence of the Lord, our Holy God.

I thank You, Father, for Your words to me this morning.  I ask that all my thoughts, all my ways, all my desires be subject to Your will for my life.  You are the Lord of my life and I love You with all that is in me.


Friday, August 17, 2012


Psalm 16:2  "I said to the Lord, "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing."

This afternoon late, I took myself over to the gym that is offered here and began to walk the treadmill.  I was reading my Kindle, a book on "How to Worship a King".  It really is a beautiful book that has so many times just brought me to tears.  But today as I was walking, reading, and praying, my spirit began to sing I Long to Be One With You, One with You, my Lord.  Just a few times over and over those sweet words, then I heard the Lord sing back to me, I long to be One with you, my child, One with you, my love.  I wept silently then as I am weeping now as I remember how beautiful the voice of my Lord is.  The urgency and desire in His voice that matched mine as I sang to Him.

Have you heard the voice of the Lord sing to you?  His sweet, precious voice that sings in a beauty you can never achieve, I don't think angels can even come close to that beautiful voice, that perfect melody.  And to have Him tell you, sing to you, that He, that He wants to be One with you.  I believe we spend so much time thinking of how much we want to be in the presence of our God, we forget that it is His utmost desire to have us in His presence. 

Are we entering in, are we doing what is necessary to enter into His presence.  Are we coming before Him, asking daily for a cleansing of all the world from us; are we striving to keep our hearts pure before Him?  Are we searching His Word for the ways to find Him, to seek Him with every heartbeat?  Not just at times when we feel we have a moment to spare, but all the time.....seeking to find Him.  Our Lord waits on us.... we don't wait on Him.  Have you told someone that you are waiting on the Lord?  Why are you waiting, He is so easily found.  We may at times wait for an answer.... well, not again the Lord is telling me; the answer comes, we feel sometimes we are waiting as it was not the answer we wanted to hear.  He always answers, it is just not always what we expected.  If we do not hear Him right away, perhaps we are not tuned into Him....maybe we have our minds on so much other that His sweet, soft voice is not heard right away.  Be still and hear His voice, be still and seek Him.

You ask perhaps, why I listen to worship music all the time?  It is because it keeps His face before me, His Word going through my mind, and His love flowing around me.  I worship because I love Him, I worship because I want to honor Him with my love and my thoughts, I worship because He makes me so happy.  I worship even when I am having a day that is not great, and on those days, I worship even more.  I want to run to Him and let my Lord hold me, I want to hide behind Him until He tells me it is safe to come out, that He has dispelled all the arrows of the enemy.

My Lord wants to be One with me.  In His presence I know who I am meant to be.  When I come away from Him, who I am does not change.  Who you are should never change from a moment alone or in the presence of our Mighty God.  Apart from our God, we have no good thing.  Apart from our God, we are not good.....He alone is our Righteousness, our Salvation, our Joy and our Peace.

One with me.  My God is One with me and I will always desire only to be One with Him.  My Lord, to You I give all the glory, all the honor, all my love, all my worship.  You are my God.


Saturday, August 11, 2012


2 Chronicles 7:14  "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

As I have thought about the times we are in, the wars, the natural disasters; I have thought about how the hearts of many respond to these things.  They live as thought it is they who is in charge, it is they who make their days prosperous, healthy, and happy.  The people who openly declare unbelief in God, and persecute those that love the Lord and follow Him, these people truly live with no hope, but do not recognize this, that is, at this moment. 

But when disaster comes, or threats of harm to themselves, or their loved ones, then they turn to the One that deep within their hearts know is their only Hope.  Can you imagine yourself treated this way?  Some can as we all have had family or friends that give us no thought until there is a real emergency, or a real need that they feel only you can supply.  But our Lord, His heart full of love for His children endures this day in, day out.  When I think about the hurt and disappointment that our God endures.  Forgive me, Lord, forgive us all.

I can remember 9/11 quite well, even remember what I was doing that day, remember the tears that streamed down my face as I watched the twin towers fall, taking innocent lives as it came down.  I remember the days and months following, churches filled up again, people were showing love and concern for one another.....remember, so many turned once again to You, asking forgiveness and mercy.  Yes, I know You do.....another grievous time for You, a heart breaking time for You as well as with so many of us that love You.  You, Lord, so just and true, forgiving and drawing close Your wounded children, wounded in body and spirit, seeking hope and protection, seeking guidance from Your precious Holy Spirit, You loving us all.

Then as thought it never happened, once again, these went back to their former ways.  I have been reading about Noah's ark, and how Noah would witness and talk to those in sin, some confessing their sin and returning to the Lord, only to tire of the wait, choosing because it was taking so long for the flood to come, believing that perhaps Noah was mistaken, for surely the Lord was loving and He would not destroy the earth.  They had only returned in fear, a fear driven godliness.....this never lasts.

Fear driven godliness.....short termed, short lived, only long enough for those to forget who had saved them and rescued them from all harm in the past, who had provide for them, and forgave them time after time. When fear comes, from whatever situation you are in, are you in that place of confidence in the Lord that you know He is there, you know He is holding you and there is nothing to fear?  Or are you one that immediately casts down that pride, that self adoring attitude and turns and calls on the Lord for help?  Remember always, God looks on the heart....He will always know the one who is truly repentant and the one that is only giving lip godliness.  But always the Lord is forgiving to those truly repentant children.  Always.

How different it is for God's children that walk and talk with Him each day.  They know that when disaster comes, they can call on the Name that is above all Names, and instantly that Majestic Voice will call out across the earth "Peace be still".  And the peace that passes all understanding will flood your soul.  How beautiful is our Lord.

For those that have a godliness attitude that comes only when fear arises, take a moment and look at the difference that trusting the Lord daily, loving Him deeply, and honoring Him always can bring to your life.  Never having to worry about what will happen, how it will change your life, will God forgive you in time...... He waits, as He always does, with open arms and a love that He has always had for you, just waiting to show you what a difference accepting His love can make to your life.

Thank You, Father.  I pray these are the words You would have me speak, and I pray that they reach the ears You have intended them for.  I love You, my Lord, always. 


Sunday, August 5, 2012


Psalm 138:8  "The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures not abandon the works of your hands."

Taking a break to relax for a little while, I watched a movie about settlers many, many years ago.  Three things struck me as the real theme of this movie....pearls, land and light.  As I was watching the Holy Spirit kept showing me things of my God, how everything I watch, I see, I do, and I think all revolve around Him, around what His thoughts are....not mine, but His.  My Lord's thoughts are so beautiful, so wonderful, it is no wonder that I prefer to yield my thoughts to His.  Why would I want to think on things of this earth in my limited thought process when I can have His thoughts revealed to me, His thoughts that bring peace and joy to me.  I yield to You, my Lord, always to You.

The Pearls.  At one time, pearls meant a great deal to ladies as they were handed down from generation to generation.  Mothers giving them to their daughters, usually on their wedding day.  I saw through my spiritual eyes, the pearls that were given to us, God's children, as we will wear them on our wedding day to the King of kings, the Prince of peace, God's Son, the Bridegroom of Eternal Life.  At a great cost these pearls were bought for the Bride, and they will not be taken from me, or you.  They are ours for eternity.  The pearls must be worn constantly as if not they will take on an unnatural color.  Pearls that are worn are a beautiful creamy, rich color; vibrant with life.  The pearls, the true gifts of the Spirit, a gift from the Father to the Bride of His Son.  These gifts are meant to be seen, meant to be always worn by the Bride.  Pearls that are not worn, when we do not walk with the Lord as we should, we are failing to wear our pearls; then these pearls, not worn daily,  become dry, hardened, a dreary color.  Life drains from these pearls when they are not worn as they were given to be worn. 

The Land.  We were promised the land of milk and honey; the promised land,  prepared for us by the Father to enrich our lives, an inheritance for His children.  On our land we must plant, we must water, we must harvest.  Each harvest we must reserve some of the seed for the next planting.  We must  always make sure we have seed for planting.  If we sow good seed, we get a good harvest.  The only way we can sow good seed is to read the Word of our Lord and let that seed begin to grow inside of our hearts, filling our spirits with an overflow of love and kindness for those the Lord puts around us.  As we love in the way that Jesus loves, then we can begin to plant this seed in the hearts of those around us.  Even I have heard tales of how people talk to their plants to make them healthier.  I don't know if this is true, but I believe that all people, pets, and probably plants all respond to real love, not just talk but heartfelt love.  When we plant a word in someone to show them the way to our Lord, it is so important that we do not leave them unattended, it is necessary to make sure this ground, the land that we have planted this seed on stays watered, talked to, and kept healthy.  We cannot abandon this land once it is planted.  It is a work, it is love, it is part of our we share the Lord's love, His blessings, the land prospers, the land grows, the kingdom is blessed.

The Light.  None of us are removed from temptation.  But temptation is not sin.  We must keep oour eyes on the Light.   We have our pearls, the gifts of the Spirit and wear them daily as children of God.  The richer the glow of our pearls, the more the enemy will come against us, the more intense the battle will become.  The enemy will try to make us leave the land we have planted, giving up before the harvest comes, and some fall, some give up.....but look ahead, those who become weary and worn; those of us that keep trudging on through the dark, with faith in our hearts, look ahead, can you see it?  Can you see the Light that never fades, that is always shining, like a beacon for a ship, the Light is bright and steady.  The Light that is ever before us, showing us the way; always reminding us that there is One who will never leave His pearls, or the land He has planted, He will always be showing us the way.  The Light will shine for us until that day we pass through that Holy Gate into His Eternal Light.  The Light of the world is shining for me and for you.  Our Lord loves us so.

The pearls, the most precious gift given through the sacrifice of our Bridegroom; the land, promised as an inheritance, planted, kept healthy by the watchful eye of the Holy Spirit, and harvested by God to become the Bride of His Beloved Son, Jesus and He shines His Light that we may never lose our way on our journey to the Wedding, to our destiny, to our Bridegroom.
