Sunday, July 28, 2013


Galatians 5:17  "For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish."

You cannot look around what is on television, what is at the movies, on the seems like everything now is beginning to have a common theme.....horror.  I can remember as a child, movies that were considered horror movies were designed to frighten, scare you....but momentarily, the horror faded as soon as you walked out of the movie as you knew it was not real, not conceivable.  But not today....for a long time now, I have noticed the building up of movies, shows that played off what was happening in the world....and if it was not happening, then after watching some of these movies, shows, it was enacted in fact.  And people literally ate it up.....people are fascinated by evil, wrong doing, horror. 

Yes, I can feel some of you will disagree with me, but think about this.  What is it about things that are so horrible, devastating to people, hurtful.....sinful....that draws people to watch, again and again?  If folks did not watch these things, trust me, eventually movie makers, television producers would begin to see, and to do more of what was desired.  They only produce what sells.....and it sells, because?

What we see, what we watch, these things are what begin to abide inside of us.  As I have never enjoyed horror movies.....why would I intentionally want to cause myself to be frightened, fearful?  But these things begin to take root inside.  I can remember when video games were about frogs, silly men in hats wanting to climb to higher levels....but then they became about shooting robots....and then the robots took on the form of humans.  And kids, and adults all over the world began to shoot humans on video games, the horror of it.  Just could not get enough of it.  The more you killed, the better you were.  And they wonder why kids, grownups can just shoot people in mass and be unaffected by it.  Total obsession with horror till it no longer bothers just feeds that lustful spirit.

Do you want to be obsessed with a horror that I feel was the most horrible scene ever known?  Place yourself on that middle cross, the one Jesus hung on.....feel the horror of the sin of every person, past life, present life and the sin of those lives to come....our they were flung, as they whipped the body, the heart, the Spirit of our Lord Jesus.....and if that horror is not enough, feel past the physical pain and feel the horror of your Beloved Father turning away as you were too "horrible, sinful" to see, to know.  Then descend into the true horror of the world, of the universe...and YES IT IS REAL... descend into HELL.  Here is true horror, the horror I cannot think of any Christian wanting to experience....descend into hell and see what our Lord saw there.....He saw those there that had not chosen Him, that had turned from the Lord, from our God, and now would live eternally in a horror that never ends.  Feed your obsession here.

These types of movies, shows of horror, they satisfy a lustful spirit.  I cannot tell you what to do if these are things you enjoy watching....I can only ask that you look at them as our Lord would have you look at them....with His heart, through His eyes, in His Spirit..... One day there will be a line drawn in the sand...... why wait till that day.... Choose your obsession...will it be of our Lord, His Spirit, or will it be of the lust of the world.

Thank You, Lord, for being my All.


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