Saturday, August 25, 2018


Do you ever wonder why folks love to go out on the water?  Many find they are so happy just sitting on a boat floating on the water, whether it be on a lake, a river or bigger ocean.  People that usually stay so tense and controlled on land, even when they are not working.....they find that being on the water, doing nothing, is so calming, so soothing.

Wondering however, as so many of us don't have the option of getting out on the water when we feel stressed, downtrodden or a need to just get away from it all.  What can we do?

Scripture tells us to come to the waters, water that is healing, where thirst is quenched and souls are satisfied.  Our minds are a wonderful thing.  Yes,  I know our minds can battle our spirit on a continual basis when we are under attack by the enemy....or just life, but those of us who are the "children of God", we have the mind of Christ and He will help us overcome the thoughts of the evil one.  We can use our mind to spiritually dip into the waters of the River of Live, the river where the Spirit abides.  We can let ourselves spiritually float on that river....the river that flows from the throne room of God.  On that river, as we float, all things that are keeping us from having peace are lifted off of us.  As we drift along, our bodies can be healed, so many illnesses are stress related....God can now let His healing waters flow through our bodies and we are reminded there is nothing that God cannot and will not do to heal us.  When we feel those waters rolling over us, cooling, soothing waters......our souls are restored with His Word, as scripture after scripture comes through us, reminding us of His faithfulness, His goodness.  As we let ourselves be saturated in the healing waters of our God, we feel His love flowing anew into our hearts causing them to heal of all hurts and unforgiveness.  As we let go of those things we begin to float above all the earth's heaviness and our faith and trust is strengthened.

Need to get away......fall into the waters of the Lord.  Take a spiritual cruise with the Lover of our it for a moment or longer, it is live changing.

Isaiah 55:1b  "Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters"

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