Monday, March 18, 2013


Hebrews 12:28  "Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear."

As I was driving this afternoon, I was noticing all the new buildings going up; the apartments, homes and offices.  Then came to mind, all the new construction on the roads, highways, freeways.  As my thoughts expanded, the Lord began to speak to me.....

"And who is building My kingdom.....where are the many desiring to build and enlarge My kingdom?  Who is paving the road to the door to My Throne room?"

All the new construction, everywhere you look.  Homes going up faster than you can count them, they are built, sold; and apartments are filled so quickly.  Road construction is everywhere, difficult to get around, but as soon as one part is finished, another one begins.  As I wondered about the words the Lord spoke to me, I could feel His heart as He watched us run about here on earth trying to build, enlarge, and busy, so concerned with what is to be on many not thinking past this  earth to the only Home worth occupying one day.  So many never feeling the security of knowing of a Home that awaits us when this journey is over, when this journey is completed.

The Lord showed me scripture after scripture concerning building.....a house built on sand....the necessity of making certain of a sound foundation for your house.....for His house in you; His abode in you.  We are the Lord's earthly dwelling......we have the power given us by our God to build in His Name, to make solid the foundation of His dwelling here on provide those who do not know, truly know Him, the bricks to build with, the sure Rock on which they should build.  All these buildings that are going up, unless He builds, unless He is the foundation on which they are brought up, they will fail, they will tumble down, destroyed surely as if they were made of paper.  We have the power to see that these buildings are founded on His Word, with His blessings.

The highways, so many, so entangled like a web, actually will go nowhere unless they are lit by His Light, the Light that will keep us on the straight path, the Light by which those who are lost will find their way as they are drawn back to the warmth of that Light, to the fragrant love that flows from the only Light that never grows dim.  The Light that will bring us safely to the Throne room where we may sit and rest awhile from our journey, to be restored and renewed with His love, with His grace and sweet mercies.  If not for His Light, the highways will develop sink holes of which those unseeing will succumb and fall in.  Who will keep His Light shining?  Who will show the way.... who will share the Word so that those traveling will be kept free from snares?

Yes, who is willing to lay down their own tools, their own building to set aside, and first build the Lord's their hearts.....on this earth... for His Glory, for our God's pleasure and His delight.  To Honor Him with the tools of our labor, with the workmanship that is truly our best effort, our best for His Glory......

As you travel life's pathway, be thankful that you have the Light showing the thankful that you know His Kingdom come....on earth as it is in Heaven; be thankful that your house is built on the Rock that withstands all the forces of the enemy.....but be thankful enough to spread the tools given to you by our Savior, by our Lord, with all those around you.  For His Glory let us expand His Kingdom on earth....let His Kingdom stand taller than those new buildings being built; let His Kingdom come first, let His Will be done in us, in our cities, in our nation, on this earth.  Let us be builders of His Kingdom, builders of His House.....let us lift up our Lord Jesus, His Light for all to see.....that none will  perish, but will stand strong in Him.


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