Sunday, May 26, 2013


Genesis 3:6  "So when the woman saw that the tree was good for good, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate."

Once again, as I was reading the Word, I find that my reading of the scripture has been in error.  I have read this passage so many times and only today, my eyes were opened to the words "she also gave some to her husband WHO WAS WITH HER, and he ate”.  Adam was right there.  I, like so many people, would place the blame of the sin on Eve, who gave to her husband the forbidden fruit....and the blame is her’s, it is the serpent’s, and it is Adam’s.  But as I view this sin, this direct disobedience of what the Lord commanded them, I see another sin.  I see the sin of silence.  Adam was with her.....have you, as I, always thought that perhaps Adam was off tending the garden somewhere else, or resting, or doing what sport might have been done in that day...but no, the Word of God reports that Adam was right there, with Eve, as the serpent talked to her, he must have heard every word said.  And what did Adam do?  It appears he did nothing.  He did not at any time question what Eve was doing….he did rebuke the serpent and send him away, telling him to leave them alone….he did not stand with the Lord and uphold what the Lord had told them as true….he did not one time say, “I respect my Father and I will not disobey Him”.  And then when the Lord confronted them, he blamed Eve.  And yet, I feel his sin was as great….his sin of silence.

Now I am not trying here to begin a discussion on who is truly to blame, or what should have happened….we all know who is to blame and what should have happened.  But before we begin to cast judgment, let’s look at this in the now-time.  How many times have we seen a friend, brother or sister…..begin to do something, say something….that we knew was wrong, that we knew was not God’s way…..and yet, we held our voice, we held our voice from telling them, from advising them of God’s way, of even perhaps, something we had done similar and how we suffered from the guilt of disobeying the Lord.  As young people, did you stand by and watch a friend cheat on a test…..perhaps take a pack of gum or candy from the store…..and said nothing.  No mention to that friend that it wasn’t right….that it was against what was true, what was just, what was Godly.  So afraid of their disapproval…their opinion….of losing that friendship….  So we said nothing.  Sin of silence.

So who has the greater sin?  In God’s eyes, all sin is the same…sin is sin, no degree in His eyes, no sin worse than the other, or least than the other.  Sin is sin.  Do you think that when we keep silent about wrong doings, about sin….we are innocent of the sin?  When you see someone mistreating another, do you say something or do you just turn and pretend not to notice.  When someone tells an off color joke… you laugh, or even sit silent but say nothing.  When another wants to tell you “juicy” somethings, commonly known as “gossip”, do you listen or do you tell them that it is not a Christian thing to do?  We all know church folks that “in the guise of wanting to tell you something about another….for prayer sake”.  We all know the difference…. and if you think you don’t, then get in your prayer closet and pray…the Holy Spirit will teach you. 
Silence is golden, it has been said.  But it is golden when it is you….when it is you that refuses to repeat that “I heard” you were told.  Silence is golden when you refuse to take part in a group telling off color jokes…..silence is golden when instead of worrying about friends approval, you silently begin to pray….to ask the Holy Spirit to lead you, to give you the words to say to your friend, in love, about what they are doing, the wrong of it.

You can see, dear friends, that as I was reading these words this morning, the Holy Spirit began to speak very strongly to me.  To show me the error of my ways and how to walk in the truth.  In the truth of the Lord there is no fear…..”what can man do to me”.  To stand for the ways of the Lord, to be a child of the King who loves others enough to be honest with them about what they are going to do, are wanting to do….or something they have done….when asked what you think…. Silence is not golden.  Love others enough to speak God’s Word to them….to help them deny the enemy (the serpent) and obey our God.  Don’t stand by, as Adam did, and let them sin, then help them indulge in their sin by doing nothing……and when God comes calling… will see who has done the greater sin….If you’ll remember, not only Eve was punished.

Thank You, Lord, for Your words to me….for Your forgiveness and mercy given me….let me keep Your ways, Lord, and be an example, a friend to my friends and family.

Pat’s Pennings

Sunday, May 19, 2013


1 Corinthians 13:13  "And now abide faith, hope, love, these three, but the greatest of these is love."

My Father and I, through His Holy Spirit, had a conversation today.  I love it when my Father takes the time to explain things to me, to show me a word, or a part of scripture that perhaps was being missed.  The reference scripture above was not the Word that He was focusing me on, but it is the reason for all the things that He has done for me and for you.  His love.

The base, the foundation of all grace is love.  The Lord loves us all, even though I like to think of myself, and you also, if being truthful......we like to think of ourselves as God's favorite child.  You know, the one that if He looked over a group of us, we would be the first chosen to climb up on His lap to talk to Him.  I see that as see that one as you.  It's okay, I think as He loves us all the same, He doesn't mind one bit that we know we are special to Him...we are!

But as love is the foundation for grace, then the grace differs.  Each of us has needs that are different from one another.  The Lord treats us individually.  What I need in my life will be so different from your needs.  Grace, I believe, is applied daily according to the need we have for that day.  Where I may rise in the morning, after a bad nights rest, I may need grace for strength of body, clarity of mind.....and you may have slept a full eight hours and wake up refreshed but are going to have a long day at may need grace for extra body strength and stamina.  We have individual needs and God's grace is applied to each of us accordingly.

I have been studying the Holy Spirit, reading and seeing that grace applied to me through the Holy Spirit.  In Acts 2:3, the Word tells us "Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat on each of them."  Again, we are treated individually......we, when we are born again, when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are given our own spiritual tongue.  No one's is alike.  I have seen folks mimic the tongue of another, but it is not theirs, their true spiritual tongue is unlike another.  I like knowing that when I am praying in my prayer language, my own prayer language, instantly the Lord knows it is me, just as He knows your voice, He knows your spiritual language voice.  How special we are to the Lord, that He takes the time to treat us special, individual.

What a horrible thing it would be, I feel, if we were lumped into one big group and dealt with as such.  I shudder to think of any of you, my dear friends, being judged for my sin.  I would not have wanted that for any of you.  Nor do I believe you would want someone else paying for your sin in the past.  But the Lord treats us separately, He deals with us individually, and He keeps those things to Himself, and after the sin was purged from us by the blood of our Savior, Jesus, the Lord, our God, threw those things as far from Him, never to be reminded of them again.  We do not treat our eyes as we would our hand, but they are all parts of our body.  The Lord treats us all special, individual, and yet we are all a special, important part of the body of Christ, the Bride of our Lord.

The foundation of grace is love.  Love is the foundation for all that transpires between the Lord and us.  Thank You, Lord, for treating us in love, with divine mercy that comes anew each morning, Your grace is flowing down to us from a never ending river of love and that love that is shown gives us a glimpse into what is waiting for us in You.....eternal life.  What grace is mine, given from Your love divine. 

Friends, when you think of how the Lord treats us, all different, individually, but with the same love behind His affections, His gifts, His blessings, His mercy and His wondrous grace.  Thank You, Lord.  Thank You, my Father.
